Category Archives: Books

Harry Potter Movie Posters

Adam Rabalais (deviant art, store) reworks movie posters of famous productions in a minimalistic style. You can buy the Harry Potter collection of prints or any other of his prints in theatrical size at his etsy store.

The Philosopher’s Stone

The Chamber of Secrets

The Prisoner of Azkaban

The Goblet of Fire

The Order of The Phoenix

The Half-Blood Prince

The Deathly Hallows


LOTR in Stained Glass

Jian Guo (deviant art, store) is the artist behind these stained glass renditions of Lord of The Rings passages. He’s also done similar fanarts with games like World of Warcraft and Starcraft. Below are my picks for his LOTR works.

“I am no man.”

The Return of The King

“One Ring to rule them all”

“You cannot pass.”